HI! Thank you for showing interest in this article. We would not like to talk about the topic from a technical point of view but we would like to tell you about our experience on the longed-for but necessary practice of cutting nails. As it should be, however, let's give...
Food: what can dogs eat?
christian terramaniApril 17, 2021
How many times, during a meal, have you encountered the sweet and eager eyes of your dog that specifically ask you to taste your food? Sometimes you give in, other times less. But very often you will have wondered if that specific food you are eating can be harmful to...
Why cleaning your dog's paws is important
grazia di canioMarch 26, 20213 comments
Whether we live in the countryside or in the city, whether it is sunny or rainy, we take our dog out for a walk every day at least 3 times a day. Even if the wise old man says that " it is not we who take the dog out,...
3 historical curiosities about the bulldog
grazia di canioFebruary 05, 20211 comment
The French bulldog, as we know, is not an archaic breed but rather saw the light (at least from what reliable sources say) only 2 centuries ago. Our hunger for curiosity about this breed made us discover some anecdotes that we were not aware of and that we would like to share with you.